Returns are an expensive item for any company. M+M, Inc.® makes every effort to ensure your order is shipped accurately and the product meets the standards of our advertising. If a return must be made (if you purchased a Magazine Release Kit see separate return policy below), please note the following policy:
M+M, Inc.® never charges a restocking fee if the wrong item was shipped, or if the product as advertised didn’t fit the firearm for which it was intended. If M+M, Inc. deems a Return was made without reasonable cause, where in our judgment the product meets advertised conditions, the refund will be subject to a 20% Restocking Fee. Order Cancellations for any reason are also subject to a 20% Restocking Fee. If you have a question regarding the return policy and how it works, please contact
This product is for use on AK 47 rifles and their variants. AK rifles have been manufactured since the 1950’s in various models, configurations and by various manufacturers worldwide. No guarantee is either expressed or implied that the MRL Kit will work with every single AK rifle. If not satisfied, return within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.